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Designing for trust
in an industry full of skepticism
Redefining the "middleman" role
in the Tunisian Olive Oil landscape

Dr. Sonda Laroussi is not just any olive oil expert - she's a beacon in the international community, armed with profound knowledge and an unparalleled passion for her craft. Born and nurtured in Sfax, Tunisia's olive oil heartland, Dr. Sonda always believed in the untapped potential of Tunisian Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO).
Despite her success in crafting premium-quality oils alongside local producers, a significant hurdle remained: selling them. Local producers, with their limited resources, found it hard to shine in an industry teeming with competition. The label "Made in Tunisia" wasn't enticing to international buyers, leading to wasted efforts and investments.
For Dr. Sonda, inspiring other producers became an uphill task, especially given the evolving dynamics of the global market. It was a classic dilemma - a chicken and egg problem.
How could we elevate the quality of Tunisian EVOO and, at the same time, boost their market profitability?
We discovered an industry tainted with mistrust and a shadow of opacity. For small Tunisian producers, accessing international buyers took a lot of work. Many international buyers perceived olive oil transactions with Tunisia as complicated and time-consuming. Worse, Tunisian olive oil often got sidelined as a cheaper alternative, not a premium choice. But we saw what Dr.Sonda saw: Tunisia's potential to champion world-class olive oils, backed by vast organic production and unique local varieties.

Enter our design studio. Joining forces with Dr. Sonda and her founding team, we tackled this pressing question: how could we elevate the quality of Tunisian EVOO and, at the same time, boost their market profitability?
We knew this would be a tough challenge but we were up for it. We began by talking to people - both international buyers and local sellers - to understand the barriers they face.

But as we delved deeper into the problem, it became clear that helping producers create their own olive oil brands would not be sufficient. Our strategy had to leverage the power of digital to dismantle these persistent barriers.
The team designed and prototyped several ideas and eventually arrived at an innovative double-sided business model built around a digital platform, a sensory analysis laboratory, and logistics services.
The startup simplified the buying experience for EVOO buyers. It equipped producers with a holistic solution - from introducing them to potential buyers, guiding them to enhance their oil quality to facilitating seamless export transactions.
Yet, for this vision to flourish, it needed a strong brand - a brand that resonates with global EVOO buyers and the heartbeats of Tunisian producers.
When it comes to mediation in olive oil, it's a field marred by shady practices of some intermediaries. Some have been known to engage in unethical and illegal activities, undermining the entire industry's integrity. This is a serious concern for farmers and buyers alike, as it can lead to a loss of trust and ultimately hurt the business of legitimate olive oil producers.
Despite the high level of mistrust in the industry, we understood that the people wanted to work together and were convinced that collaboration was the key to the industry's success. Some farmers, even with meager profits, continue to work their land for passion and to preserve the art of making good olive oil.

With this insight, we sculpted the brand foundation for "220" - a brand that echoed community-driven values and a scientific method, seamlessly blending with the artistry inherent in the industry.
220's mission has become clearer: to emerge as the world trusted source of Tunisian EVOO powered by producers from every corner of Tunisia.

To turn this vision into reality, 220 needed olive oil - and not just any oil.
In Tunisia, family-owned operations, accounting for 80% of groves, were the soul of olive oil production.
Using these insights as our compass, Alto fashioned an innovative acquisition strategy, melding the digital and the physical. This journey encompassed creatively curated Facebook content, immersive full-day seminars, interactive workshops, digital surveys, and an olive oil tasting kit. A digital platform further enriched this learning experience.
The strategy's success birthed a sub-brand, "Thawk 220", opening the doors to a promising revenue stream for the startup.
To cap off our collaboration, we laid out a strategic organizational structure and a hiring blueprint, ensuring 220 was primed for success in its noble endeavor.

These farmers, like Anis, a third-generation farmer whose eyes sparkled as he recounted tales of his ancestors' groves, generously shared their knowledge and time.
While door-to-door visits can effectively build relationships, they are also time-consuming and costly. We also understood that a purely digital approach would miss the mark. For many farmers, digital platforms like Facebook were noisy realms, making trust-building an uphill task. Yet, these passionate farmers were eager to learn modern methods, deepen their understanding of olive oil sensory analysis, and connect with their peers.

Eager to turn your own challenges
into something extraordinary?
Don't just dream about the future; let's build it together.
Your challenges are the seeds of untapped potential, waiting to be nurtured.
Seize the opportunity to craft a strategy that's as unique as your vision.
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